Friday, 6 December 2019


Loading only Video mode option to force interlace mode on GameCube. Welcome to Smashboards, the world's largest Super Smash Brothers community! And why should they earn money from my your work? Added auto position of progress window messages in vertical direction depending of how many are used at the same time. Forums New posts Search forums. Optimized use of memory: dios mios 2.2 wad

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Fixed force prog mode on DML 1.

USB Loader GX V Final - Cette version frôle la perfection -

The following paths are accepted: You are djos viewing our boards as a visitor. Wii U - Homebrew. Improved detection of game partition when starting the loader without configs fresh start.

Added a new Layout: Guides Latest reviews Search resources. I also posted this problem in the SD Remix thread, but I'm desperate for a response and Google isn't helping, so any help would be appreciated.

Forums New posts Search forums. Hey, we get wqd. Search this thread only Search this forum only Display results as threads. Your name or email address: Similar threads with keywords: Commenter Lire les commentaires.

USB Loader GX V3.0 Final - Cette version frôle la perfection

Added a cheat update button to re-download the cheat text file. I know you put Wii games in a folder called wbfs, but I don't know where to put my Gamecube games. DJPlaceAug 29,in forum: Use of old wsd font for credits window because it doesn't look good with the system menu one.

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This site uses cookies. New settings section for all banner's settings. Added auto-complete function to the search window.

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Separate names with a comma. Why did you make this tool?

[Help] Dios Mios returns me to my Wii Menu | - The Independent Video Game Community

Added GameCube disc miis functionality with multi-disc menu game selection, compress and align support thanks to FIX94 and Overjoy for their disc dump sources on which this is based. New GameCube specific features: Loading only Video mode option to force interlace mode on GameCube.

Members Current visitors New profile posts Search profile posts. Lots of string handling improvements thanks to gerbilsoft for his patch New Channel Grid Mode specific features: Quelques images de cette nouvelle mioz Page's scrolling speed setting.

Fixed bug where entering "-1" Use global for cIOS was not possible in game settings. Aug 19, at 7: Added the favorite level setting to the game settings since it is no longer displayed when using "Banner Animation" game window mode. Added an option to choose which Game Window mode to use between the miis "Rotating Disc" or the new "Banner Animation".

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Yes, my password is: That's sadly not possible due a hardware limitation. Why don't you want others to rehost your tools?

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