Monday, 9 December 2019


The first factory will give the player the technology to make IOSs interplanetary operations spacecraft which he can build orbital factories over selected planets and moons of the solar system. Just one click to download at full speed! A remake is also mentioned on the first site, but it seems to be abandoned. Both games were very well received: The game was released only half finished. First the player can use the IOS to extract material from asteroids not found on Earth such as silver , platinum etc. Apparently he has been working on it for at least 1 year and a half, and the game is fully working and it's pretty cool. deuteros

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GamesNostalgia News Story Author: I made three copies of the program disk and took a k memory image of the running game. Writing the small review of Deuteros: Next time around I waited for the official release before ordering. There's almost no trace of him on the Internet.

Deuteros, a little unknown gem is being remade

I loved Millennium 2. If I hadn't supplied them with that Solagen where would they be now? While the game shares deugeros of space exploration and resource gathering - plus some elements of its interface - with its predecessor, the two are different in gameplay. Paul Woakes is only mentioned briefly somewhere. Off-Grid GPS - navigation app. The Next Millennium Register Login.

Deuteros, a little unknown gem is being remade

First, a a very nice site dedicated to Deuterosyou can read a pretty good review of the game there. Just one click to download at full speed! The game is set some years after Millenniumin a time when mankind has won the struggle to make the Earth habitable again but lost its spacefaring capabilities, when the Martians, moments before they were defeated in Mars, hid a small robotic fleet just when Earth was re-settled, and deuteris the Moon Base moments before humans returned to earth as a final deed of vengeance.

I spent two weeks ploughing through Rob Northen's self-decrypting copy protection code before realising that all I needed to do was bypass the whole routine and change a line of code further on in the program.

You have to lose a couple of battles so that you can reconquer the orbital factory and discover some strange new devices MTX: The first factory will give the player the technology to deuteeos IOSs interplanetary operations deuteroe which he can build orbital factories over selected planets and moons of the solar system.

Deuteroa, we try to upload manuals and extra documentations when possible.

Deuteros: The Next Millennium

In the process the player will meet the Methanoids, colonists from the first game who declared independence when Earth was re-settled. After all the things I deuyeros heard about Rob Northen, I was expecting much more than this The Next Millennium is the sequel to the sci-fi strategy video game Millennium 2. Last update is Octoberso it's fresh stuff.

You start off on earth, years after Millennium ends. He deutteros lives more or less the same lifestyle, still writes pixellated games and doesn't show any signs of moving into a different line of business.

Deuteros: The Next Millennium

By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Upon winning, the game ends with a mini video clip that shows three picture-slots with icons and pictures of in-game objects changing every 3 seconds accompanied by the main music of the game.


Apparently all the protection check did was set a memory location if the test was passed. Thankfully, Jeff Minter is still very much around.

Activision had gone bust. The object of Deuteros is to mine and manage resources, explore the Solar System and beyond. Producers, Researchers and Marines, out of a pool of population.

The Next Millennium Amigaread the abandonware guide first! The Story of Thalion Software. Just like Millennium, you have to research and produce your own equipment.


If you have trouble to run Deuteros: Deuteros was delayed and unfortunately the company I placed the order with went bust before it was released. Project to remake Deuteros.

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